Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 2 - Home appraisal - what????

Ya know how on HGTV they start with a renovation project plan and unexpected things just start to "happen" that no one accounted for?  It eats into the budget, into the timing - sometimes, things just don't get to get done.

Well, here's our first thing that "happened".  I didn't take into account that we are in the process of refinancing our home to move from an FHA with PMI to a straight conventional loan, no PMI.  We need to have our home appraised as high as possible to establish 20% equity.

Appraisal.  Hmmm.  "Does someone need to actually see the house?"  "Uh, yeah, definitely.  Why."  "Oh, nothing."

Lesson for the Day:  Destroying front yard + imminent home appraisal = Timing Snafu