Monday, May 26, 2014

I’m enjoying the journey because I have zero idea what the end game is.

Pleasant day with Dave – two trips to Home Depot and came away with a $10 shovel and 2 pair of $1.97 work gloves.    Started digging up the yard.  Realized 2 things:  1. we don’t do manual labor and 2. we have muscles we never knew existed.

As deconstruction begins, ideas begin to seep in.  For instance, looking at the brickwork in front of the house from a different angle and overlaying the countless images stuck in my head over the last few days of obsessive reading, the solution to a weird corner filled with trip hazards was birthed.  The results of doing an inventory.  Love it.

No chemicals were used in the making of this mess and hopefully, many gophers were disturbed.


  1. Don't think I qualify to help. My idea of landscaping is to read whack the four ft. Weeds!

  2. LOL! I'm right there with ya, but I'm open to learning. BTW, the gophers WERE disturbed -- the little f&%^ers starting digging mounds inside MY over turned piles of dirt. They're relentless. I'm a pacifcist but would not be dissapointed if I bonked one on the head with my shovel.
